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14 December 2010

Server Emule, new list of the fastest and secure ones updated to December 2010


eMule is undoubtedly the program of file sharing more used to the world, and it founds him as well you know on the networks eDonkey and Kad.
A few months ago suffered a serious it of arrest for the closing of some of the most important servers eMule, and then today us of InformaticPractice we want to furnish you a list of the eMule servers safer and faster (updated to December 2010):

To add the eMule servers the procedure is always the same, once opened emule:

  • Go to the Server tab in the panel of eMule.
  • Delete all the servers in the list.
  • Insert to the right in the field "Update server.met from URL" the address and click on "Update".
  • Restart eMule

Following the lists that propose the servers safer and fast eMule, update to December 2010:

  • http://peerates.net/servers.php
  • http://www.gruk.org/server.met
  • http://www.server-met.de/dl.php?load=gz&trace=33357819.4167
  • http://ed2kmet.x24hr.com/pl/slist.pl?download/server-good.met
  • http://ed2kmet.x24hr.com/pl/slist.pl?download/server-best.met

Despite these lists are updated daily, it is however possible to incur in spy or fake server, the best thing it would be to manually add the servers considered, by eMule server users, fast and safe, here are:

  • !! Saugstube !! IP: porta:4242
  • # eMule Serverlist Nr.1 # IP: porta:4242
  • # eMule Serverlist Nr.1 # IP: porta:4242
  • eDonkeyServer No1 IP: porta:4242
  • Razorback 3.0 IP: porta:5000
  • Razorback 3.1 IP: porta:5000
  • Razorback 3.2 IP: porta:5000
  • United Europe 1 IP: porta:8899
  • United Europe 2 IP: porta:8899
  • United Europe 3 IP: porta:8899
  • www.UseNeXT.to IP: porta:4661

New Server Emule for Fastweb updated to December 2010 (for users of the version assembly there is no need of it):

  • Quakenet Indirizzo ip: porta: 2002
  • Quakenet 2 Indirizzo ip: porta: 2002
  • Fastwebspeed Indirizzo ip: porta: 2002
  • http://update.adunanza.net/servers.met
  • http://met.syltonline.de/server.met

Other sure servers are available to the address:
To insert them inside your list server, go to the screen server of emule and enter the data above brought in the window New Server, or create a link Ed2k following the syntax ed2k://|server|IP|door|/

We have mentioned  before to the servers spy and fake, but what exactly are?
The first ones are server maintained by the companies anti-p2p on the net edonkey 2000, and lately they have known a rapids diffusion.
The main purpose of these companies is to use the servers spy for monitor what the users share and spread file garbage in the attempt to produce discouragement and uneasiness to users.
As it regards the servers fake, Peerates furnishes us this description:

  • They don't normally react to the requests P2P.
  • The total number of consumers and shared file it is counterfeit.
  • Don't show valid results for the greatest part of the searches.
  • Don't furnish any valid source for the files to download.

Always have under I check the servers emule, can consult the list that furnishes us the official forum of eMule or P2P Forums and eventually to insert the various addresses IP inside the PeerGuardian so that to turn offshore always from server spy emule or server emule fake!

To have Always under check the emule servers, you can consult the list that furnishes us the official forum of eMule or P2P Forums and eventually to insert the various addresses IP inside the PeerGuardian so that to stay always away from spy or fake emule server !

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